Laying the Groundwork: Learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails Foundations

NashTheCoder 🌊 WaveMaker
Switching Gears
Published in
2 min readMar 12, 2023

As a programmer, I appreciate the importance of having a solid foundation in the programming languages that I work with. Over the last three weeks, I have worked on building a MVP in Ruby on Rails. I enjoyed learning on the go, as I built the Information Management System app. I am sold on Ruby on Rails and now I embark on a journey to master the foundations of Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

Why Learning the Foundations is Crucial

By mastering the basics, I will be able to write cleaner and more efficient code, and better understand the underlying principles that make these languages so powerful.

I believe I will be able to see the bigger picture and think through problems more clearly and approach coding challenges with a better understanding of the underlying concepts.

Learning the basics also helps one avoid common mistakes and pitfalls that can lead to frustration and wasted time. When one understands the underlying structures of a language, you are less likely to make errors that are difficult to debug and correct.

Getting Started

There are plenty of resources available online to help me get the fundamentals of Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I am taking the Full Stack Ruby on Rails path of The Odin Project.

Here we go! I will try as much as possible to document my experience and learnings.



NashTheCoder 🌊 WaveMaker
Switching Gears

|| Product Engineer || Digital Public Goods - Open Source Community Manager