Shine Bright Like a Ruby

NashTheCoder 🌊 WaveMaker
Switching Gears
Published in
2 min readMar 11, 2023


Why Rails Is the Jewel of Web Development for Newbie Developers.

Switching from React to Ruby on Rails has certainly had an impact on how I develop. I experienced the following differences.

  1. Framework Differences: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, while Ruby on Rails is a full-stack web development framework. With Ruby on Rails, I had access to many built-in features, such as database management and routing, that ordinarily, I would have to set up and manage on my own with React.
  2. Language Differences: React is primarily a JavaScript library, while Ruby on Rails is built with the Ruby programming language. This means I learnt a new programming language, however, Ruby is generally considered to be an easier language to learn compared to JavaScript.
  3. Development Speed: Ruby on Rails is designed to make web development faster and easier. It comes with a lot of built-in functionality that can speed up the development process. As a result, I found that I was able to build a CRUD MVP app more quickly with Ruby on Rails than with React.
  4. Server-side Rendering: With React, you’ll likely be building a single-page application (SPA), which relies heavily on client-side rendering. Ruby on Rails, on the other hand, supports server-side rendering out of the box. This can have advantages in terms of SEO and performance, as well as simplifying some aspects of development.
  5. Active Record: Active Record in Ruby on Rails provides an in built comprehensive object-relational mapping (ORM) system that allows for efficient database creation, management and data retrieval, while React lacks built-in support for database queries and validations.
  6. Testing: Ruby on Rails has a strong testing culture and comes with built-in testing frameworks. To Be Confirmed. I am looking forward to write tests for my IMS CRUD MVP app. I will share a post on how this experience.

Overall, switching to Ruby on Rails from React, has provided a more streamlined development experience. If you’re up for the challenge as a newbie developer, Ruby on Rails could be a great choice for building your first CRUD MVP app.

Resource: Ruby Bookmarks
This is a curated collection on Github of essential Ruby and Ruby on Rails resources. The project aims to maintain a well-structured reference equally useful both for beginners and advanced web developers.



NashTheCoder 🌊 WaveMaker
Switching Gears

|| Product Engineer || Digital Public Goods - Open Source Community Manager