Introducing Cross-Platform — the best way to build mobile apps for 2022 and beyond

Everything you need to know to successfully deploy a cross-platform solution in 2022.

Published in
8 min readOct 5, 2020


Let’s entertain a simple scenario for a second:

You’re a solo developer. You have an idea. You tell the idea to your friends. They like the idea. You design a prototype. You spend months on design, code, art, marketing, and then the time comes for you to release it.

You push it out to the world and share it with everyone you know. Then, you get the all too familiar question…

When is this coming to Android?

So you stop for a minute and think, “hmm… it seems people want this on Android too. What would this actually take to implement”? And so you look it up and discover that:

  • You’ll need to learn a new set of steps for deployment
  • You’ll need to learn a new UI toolkit
  • You’ll need to follow a new set of human interface guidelines
  • You’ll need to learn a new programming language!!!
  • You’ll need to learn how to sync two separate deployments every time you…

