1 Step to Happiness

It’s (maybe) not what you think.

Lana Graham
The Startup


Photo by Edu Lauton on Unsplash

Seeking happiness is something I’ve wasted my time on for way too long. I’m not going to do it anymore.

I’m not giving up on happiness. I’ve just been going about it all the wrong way.

Happiness always seemed like a train that I had just missed. Or like that dream where you’re trying to run but your legs only want to go in slow motion — and you can never quite get there.

Sometimes it felt like everyone else “got it.” Everyone seemed to know “the secret” to happiness while I floundered in the baby pool of emotions, not quite sure what I was doing wrong.

But the real secret is that I was searching for something I already had. Happiness was already within me.

What is Happiness?

I headed straight to Wikipedia and typed in “Happiness.” Here’s what it had to say:

Happiness is used in the context of mental or emotional states including positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

Happiness isn’t something you ‘find’ or ‘catch’ or ‘chase,’ it’s an emotion you choose to show. Just like sadness, anger, or intense joy, happiness is…

