10 E-commerce Email Campaigns That Will Boost Your Sales

Boris Mustapic
The Startup
Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2018
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

7% of all e-commerce transactions are driven through email. Email drives more conversions than any other marketing channel and provides the highest ROI out of all digital marketing channels. E-commerce email campaigns can substantially increase your online store’s bottom line. There are a number of different types of email campaigns you should be sent to your customers on a regular basis.

Welcome Email

Welcome emails drive three times more revenue than all other promotional e-commerce emails. You should send a welcome email to all your new customers as well as people who simply signed up to your email list but haven’t purchased anything yet. The welcome email is the perfect opportunity to tell your new subscribers a little more about your company as well as show them your best-selling products. You can also use the welcome email to direct your subscribers to your other channels (e.g. social media accounts) or offer them a discount to try to influence them to make a purchase. Instead of sending a single welcome email, you can also opt for sending a welcome email series of 3 or more emails.

Curated Email

An email your subscribers will definitely love is the curated email. Here you can include a collection of your latest blog posts, your best-selling products, a product recommendation guide or anything else you consider your subscribers might find useful.

Engagement Email

You can use the engagement email to let your subscribers know about a particular benefit of shopping in your store such a free shipping offer, a discount, or a free trial. This, in turn, will make them more likely to purchase from you.

Birthday Email

Send your subscribers a “Happy Birthday!” email on their birthday and give them a gift in the form of a unique discount just for them to make them feel special and appreciated.

Referral Email

Offer your existing customers a discount or a free product when they refer their friends to your store. People who are referred to your store by their friends are much more likely to make a purchase.

Abandoned Cart Email

69% of online shopping carts are abandoned. You need to remind your visitors about what they left behind in their cart by sending them an abandoned cart reminder email. Make sure to personalize these emails by including the visitor’s name and the products they left in the cart in the body and/or the subject line of the email. A good idea would also be to create a sense of urgency by offering a time-restricted discount within the abandoned cart email. You can also use this email to ask customers what stopped them from purchasing. That way you can try and fix the issue.

According to a study by Bluecore, abandoned cart emails have an average conversion rate of 2.63%, which is higher than any other type of eCommerce email. Services such as GetResponse and ConvertKit make it easy for you to set up abandoned cart email reminders. These allow you to either set up a single abandoned cart email or even better, a series of abandoned cart emails that will be automatically sent to your customers.

Order Confirmation Email

The order confirmation email is another type of eCommerce email that you should be using to make more sales. Try adding related or best-selling products at the bottom of each order confirmation email to get more sales. You can also use the order confirmation email to offer customers a discount on their next purchase.

Upsell & Cross-sell Email

It costs five times as much to acquire a new customer than to keep an existing one. This is why it is important to nurture your existing customers and to keep promoting your products to them. After your customer makes a purchase, you can email him or her about products related to their purchase to try to entice them to make another order. These types of emails can greatly increase your online store’s average order value.

Re-Engagement Email

You can send an email to customers who haven’t made a purchase in months and offer them a discount to try to re-engage them.

Post-Purchase Follow Up Email

A customer who has purchased from you once has a 27% chance of visiting your store again. Give these customers a discount or a special offer to increase the chances of them making a second purchase. The post-purchase follow-up email is also a great opportunity request a review of the purchased products. Make it easy for your customers to leave a review and guide them through the whole process. Offer them an incentive such as a discount to make it more likely that they will actually leave a review.

Email marketing is a must in today’s e-commerce landscape. It can help you drive more revenue and keep your customers engaged and satisfied. Make sure to implement these emails campaigns into your marketing strategy and see for yourself just how profitable they are.

Originally published at borismustapic.com.

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Boris Mustapic
The Startup

Writer and content marketing specialist. I write about marketing at borismustapic.com