10 Lessons I Learned From 10 Years as a Remote Employee

I dropped out of college to work as a remote employee. Its been a decade and here are a few lessons I picked along the way.

Manish Shivanandhan
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJan 21, 2020


Its been ten years in tech for me. From writing simple websites for the neighborhood florist to building enterprise software for global financial organizations, it has been a rewarding journey, both intellectually and financially.

I’m proud to say that I’ve never worked from an office. Even though I have visited client offices for meetings, I’ve never spent an entire day in one.

I was lucky to be a remote engineer long before remote work culture took over. I have worked on interesting projects, helped hire other remote workers, and most importantly, built some great relationships with professionals all over the world.

If I had a chance to meet the 18-year-old developer with an obsession for learning and no clue about the corporate world, here are 10 things I would tell him.

Lesson 1: Give a Damn

The major challenge companies face while building a remote team is finding people who give a damn. As a remote employee working four timezones away, it’s easy to show up and do the bare minimum to get a paycheck.



Manish Shivanandhan
The Startup

Engineer / Product Manager. Writes about Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Product Management. More at manishmshiva.com