10 Main Reasons You Didn’t Get a Job After an Amazing Interview

Alice Berg
The Startup
Published in
6 min readAug 29, 2019

You might have nailed the interview, that is, answered all the questions, asked some really insightful ones yourself, and dressed the part. Moreover, you might have given engaging accounts that got everyone in the interviewing panel nodding in agreement. All that and you still didn’t get the position?

Do not let frustration get the better of you just yet. There might be some subtle things you missed that other applicants got right. After all, the finest details are used to eliminate some candidates, especially in this age of cut-throat competition. Also, factors beyond your control might have worked against you.

Therefore, even if you ace the interview with the CEO, you might still get rejected thanks to a whole host of issues that you are not entirely familiar with at the time. On that note, here is a curated list of the most common reasons you didn’t get the role based on extensive experience and research.

1. There Was a Hiring Freeze After Job Offer

There are times when you will miss out on a job offer because a temporary hiring freeze has been imposed at a company. Today, budget issues impact a lot of aspects at a firm, including the recruitment process. As such, if there is a review of finances right after you get a job offer, you might be forced to stay out of employment as the organization restructures to ensure that it operates smoothly with limited finances.

2. You Didn’t Get the Job Because You Were Rude to the Receptionist

Guess you didn’t see this one coming! Anyway, from the moment you walk into the company’s premises, ensure that you are on your best behavior. Be polite to everyone you meet from the guards at the entrance to the receptionists. See, some hiring personnel ask company receptionists to offer their thoughts on candidates. As such, if you make a terrible impression when walking in, you can almost be sure of not getting hired.

3. Ignoring Instructions Earned You a Rejection Email After Interview

While you might not have taken note of any signs you didn’t get the job after interview, you might still be hit with a rejection email. One of the most common reasons for this is the failure to abide by the provided instructions. Case in point, if you are asked to carry your educational certificates, identification documents, and twenty copies of your resume, be sure to do as you are instructed. If you do not, well, you will most certainly fail your first assignment, and thus, miss the job.

4. There Was No Response After Interview Because of Bad Online Presence

It is common practice for recruiters today to look up applicants on social media. Every day, hiring managers scrutinize the Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles of candidates to get an idea of what they are like. So, if your social media profiles are laden with unpleasant things and photos of you partying the night away, you can be sure that you will not get any response despite having a promising interview. That said, learn what you should never put on LinkedIn to ensure that your profile is at its best.

5. You Did Not Get the Job Because You Rehearsed A Lot

While going into the interview adequately prepared is a must, make sure not to provide replies as if you rehearsed them. Most seasoned interviewers can note pre-planned answers, and thus, get put off by you. To avoid this, try to make your answers as natural as possible by tapping into your past experiences and speaking from your heart.

6. You Didn’t Get the Job Because the Firm Filled the Role Internally

Do not be in a rush to blame yourself when you don’t get the job. At times, organizations post positions even when they are planning to hire from within. In other scenarios, an internal candidate might express their interest in a role after your successful interview with the firm. And given that internal applicants are more familiar with the workplace culture, they are better placed to take up the roles at your expense.

7. You Didn’t Get the Role Because You Asked for a Ride Home

Before you attend an interview, ensure that you have planned your means to and from the company. Never ask your interviewer if they can drop you off partway or anywhere else for that matter. It might give them the impression that you do not have the means to get to work.

8. You Trash-Talked Your Former Employer

Badmouthing your former boss, coworkers, and workplace might be the reason you never got a job after having an excellent interview. It makes the recruiter think that you will say bad things about them to another employer too.

9. You May Be Overqualified for the Position Offered

The thing that might be barring you from getting a job is too many skills and qualifications. For example, if you are applying for a job that needs two years of experience and you have four, you might be rejected despite having a great interview. The recruiter might feel that you will not be content with the role or the salary provided.

10. Another Applicant Performed Better

No none likes to hear this, but you might miss a job because someone else performed better. So, even if there were signs you got the job after an interview, another applicant might come in, perform way better, and thus shift the scales in their favor.

Bonus Tip: How to Ask for Feedback After Job Rejection

Most candidates stay the typical wait time after interview before feeling the urge to follow up in case they were not hired. Often, asking for feedback after rejection is tough, given the frustration, one feels at the time. Nonetheless, employers add to the problem as they rarely offer any feedback to unsuccessful candidates.

That said, to ensure that you get a reply to your follow up letter after interview no response, be sure to ask nicely and indirectly. Examples:

· Can you mention the qualifications for this role not in my history?

· Kindly suggest how I can improve my resume and cover letter.

· Do you think that my references can be stronger?

Example of an Email c

Below is an email you can compose and send to request for interview feedback.

Subject: Sales Assistant Role

Dear Ms./Mr. Last Name,

I highly appreciate that you took the time to interview me for the Sales Assistant job on the 21st of January 2019. I am thankful for the chance to discuss the position with you. Moreover, I appreciate you letting me know that I was not picked for this role.

Since I was impressed by your human resources expertise and professionalism, I kindly ask for a favor of you. Would you be available for a short phone call to discuss how I could improve upon my candidacy for employment? Any response you could share would be appreciated.

Best regards,

First Name Last Name




To conclude, always try to get to the root of why you were not hired despite having a great interview. Moreover, avoid saying inappropriate things during the screening process. This way, you will significantly increase the chances of getting that job you want.



Alice Berg
The Startup

Blogger from Bath, who received a degree in Social Work and Applied Social Studies. Now helps people to find their own way in life and gives career advice.