10 NodeJs Things You Should Know & Master to be a Pro

Elson TC
Before Semicolon
Published in
6 min readNov 19, 2020


NodeJs is a beast on its own, not considering the Javascript side of things. From patterns, best practices, and strategies to work on the Backend, I consider that there are 10 things you should really focus on before you jump into any programming and server-side concepts.

Javascript & NodeJs !== Javascript

Yes, NodeJs is not Javascript and Javascript is the number 1 thing to learn before you get into NodeJs I shared a list of 10 things you need to focus on when learning Javascript in a different article.

NodeJs is a runtime environment for Javascript, an environment to run Javascript and not a programming language. NodeJs is to Javascript on the Server as Browser is to Javascript on the Client.

It is also important to know when something is part of the environment or the language. For example, it is common to find devs that think that “setTimeout” is part of Javascript, but it is just part of the environment (Windows or NodeJs Global).

Streams & Buffer

ArrayBuffer is part of Javascript and in NodeJs, streams are everywhere. Pretty much NodeJs is “built on streams”. Funny enough, streams are one of the most misunderstood things and are often regarded as hard to grasp by people coming into NodeJs.



Elson TC
Before Semicolon

Software Engineer sharing knowledge, experience, and perspective from an employee and personal point of view.