10 Painful Lessons From My First Year As a Solopreneur

The painful reality is better than the soft and cushy dream.

Chris Wojcik
The Startup


Photo via Giselle Villasenor Photography

Entrepreneurship is a lot like a fight.

One moment, you’re psyched to go out into the world and do your thing, and the next, you’re knocked back on your ass, bleeding all over the place (see: the picture above), and questioning if the price was worth the pain.

One moment, you swear you know what you’re doing. The next, the referee is telling you that if you don’t stop bleeding, you’re going to get disqualified. Your strategy has been flipped on its head.

One moment, you’re happy, the next you’re anxious. The next, you’re heartbroken. The next you’re ecstatic. The emotional cycle is endless.

Entrepreneurship is a tough fight to win, but doing it all by yourself is something different entirely.

Here are the 10 toughest lessons that I’ve learned from my first year as a solo entrepreneur.

No one is going to give you anything you don’t deserve.

When I first started this whole solopreneurship journey, all I wanted was for someone to “throw me a bone”.

