10 Side Hustle Skills You Can Master For Under $100 (Or For Free)

They can even become your full-time occupation one day.

Victoria Kurichenko
The Startup


Image credit: relief via istockphoto

Until my mid-20s, I dreamed about success and wealth, but I only started working on it in the past two years.

Nowadays, I am successfully running two side hustles next to my full-time job.

If you want to make more money, you have to master new skills and deliver more value.

Happy customers mean higher income. It’s that simple! Yet, not that many people understand this easy math. They would instead continue complaining about life than start doing something to create a better future.

Adobe, a software company, has shared the top trending careers and the skills you need to thrive in this fast-changing world.

If you want to learn new skills that will help you launch a side hustle and scale it to a full-time occupation, this article might be of your interest.

I share ten skills you can master on a budget and build your very first side hustle the following year.

1. SEO Writing

If you want to create searchable content people will discover repeatedly, you should learn SEO writing.



Victoria Kurichenko
The Startup

SEO specialist. Content writer. Helping businesses attract potential customers through organic search. https://selfmademillennials.com