Software Developer Stories:

10 Things to Learn as a Self-Taught Software Developer

What I’ve learned from my first job as a self-taught software developer and what I wished I’d known before.

Mike 3enj4min
8 min readOct 24, 2020


How I got there: After my first semester at university, more than 10 years ago, I began questioning my choice to study business administration. The lectures felt a lot like those “How to make money with X” talks, where they go on and talk for an hour but afterwards you feel like you have learned nothing concrete or tangible. But I powered through, because my family convinced me that this was how you got a great job and make lots of money.

So, long story short, I powered through my whole business administration career for 8 years. I went from sh*tty internships, to sh*tty jobs, to becoming an entrepreneur, to failing a bunch of times, to the moment where I decided to finally change “what I do for a living”. I started developing a devotion for programming and so I sat down for almost a year and started to learn.

Photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

Fast forward. 🕐 🕑 🕒 🕓 🕔 🕕

Now: In a few days I will be reaching my 1 year anniversary as a Software Developer at a startup company and the timing is right to recap what I’ve learned during this year.



Mike 3enj4min

Traveling, writing, programming, designing, teaching and managing