10 Things You Don’t Charge Freelance Clients For But Definitely Should

Chloe Brooks
The Startup
Published in
8 min readMar 1, 2018


How to not give clients work for free

10 Things You Don’t Charge Freelance Clients For But Definitely Should

Setting your rate is one of the hardest things to do as a freelancer. If you’re like most of us, you probably feel torn between the desire to charge what you’re worth and the urge to stand out from the competition with low prices.

You may even be fighting imposter syndrome telling you that your work isn’t really worth what you think it is.

Unfortunately, this often adds up to freelancers not charging clients for some very important elements of their business — and giving work away as a result.

I don’t know about you, but I didn’t start freelancing full time so that I could work for free.

Since going full time with my freelance business, I’ve talked to several freelancers who were figuring out what’s really OK to charge their clients for. Here are the top 10 things I’ve noticed they always miss, plus how to add them to your quotes without upsetting your clients.

1. Meetings

Meetings tend to slip through the cracks when you quote a new project, but they’re important to remember. You’re still working for your client during the hour or two that you’re on the phone with them. And if you don’t charge for it, that’s work you’re doing…



Chloe Brooks
The Startup

Helping you heal and prevent burnout with the #AntiBurnoutLifestyle. More about me: www.chloerbrooks.com