Here are 10 tips on how to name your Startup

While “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” might work for flowers; your startup’s success could depend on thinking of a GREAT name.

Ari Solomon
The Startup
2 min readNov 23, 2017


10 Tips for Naming Your Start-Up

  1. Make sure its easy to say, easy to remember & works in other languages (especially English).
  2. Check, Double-Check & then Triple-Check that other businesses are not using the name and that the domain name is available
  3. Pick a relevant name. If your start-up deals with cybersecurity it shouldn’t be called GiraffeHats.
  4. Create something catchy, memorable, and easy to say & write. (Oh, and not too long. No one wants to type into the search bar)
  5. Make sure that you like the name — because its about to consume your life 24/7 for the foreseeable future.
  6. If you are thinking of calling your start-up Google then you should google it — cause its already taken.
  7. Think of a name that has good synergy with your industry & can be easily adapted for an awesome looking logo.
  8. If you are stuck, try brainstorming HERE.
  9. Make sure there is meaning behind the name & make it personal.
  10. Grab a piece of paper & pen and take 15 minutes to scribble ideas, names, or random words until lightning strikes.

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Ari Solomon
The Startup

Founder of A.Prove Consulting — fascinated by the innovation ecosystem & here to help startups perfect their marketing & business skills.