10 Ways to Differentiate Yourself From Others And Eventually Stand Out From The Crowd

Kaye Ramos
The Startup
Published in
14 min readMay 31, 2018


You’ve finally acted on that dream. The dream that you secretly wish will usher you toward financial independence. You picture working on your own terms without anyone dictating you what to do.

You finally took steps to nurture your creative or entrepreneur spirit. Maybe it’s your writing, singing, coding or business.

It’s pretty liberating, right?

You get to do what you’ve been wanting to do for so long. It’s like a part of you was released from its chains. As you nurture it, you slowly find out there are many people like you out there doing the same thing and chasing the same dream.

There are highly talented individuals who saturate the niché and their audience flock them every instant they share something.

“I’m screwed up,” you say. The market is too crowded and there’s no room for a budding creative or entrepreneur like you. There are so many heads competing for the same target’s audience attention and your effort is better spent somewhere else.

But is it really?

The thing is:

The market may seem crowded from afar but it can always cater for one, two or other creatives who can learn to differentiate themselves from



Kaye Ramos
The Startup

Sharing things that Matter and Deliver. I aim to inspire you through my writing.