7 Ways To Fuel Your Creativity On A Daily Basis

Shannon Haupert
2 min readNov 20, 2019


Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash

For people in the arts, inspiration is always necessary.

If you are a creative person, you probably know that life can be tons of fun. You probably also know, that when you are in a creative funk, life gets pretty dang hard! You aren’t alone.

Writers, artists, dancers, whatever your craft, keeping your creativity moving is extremely important.

We have all had times that we’ve felt the weight of writers block, or an overall lack of motivation to create.

Here are 10 full-proof tips to help you create without feeling the dreaded mind block.

Consume what others have created.

It can be extremely hard to create without knowing what you enjoy consuming. If you are a writer, read. If you are a dancer, see others dance. If you run a blog, read other blogs.

Know your audience.

If you don’t know who you are creating for, things can get pretty overwhelming. Writing to a specific group of people can help give you a more narrow view of what you want to say to them!

Get your thoughts out (even if it feels as if you have no ideas).

Sometimes a quick brainstorm is all you need to fuel new ideas. Write down whatever is on your mind. Perhaps you could even create a mind map to keep your thoughts moving.

Take a break from social media.

Sometimes our minds get flooded with so much content, that we can’t even think straight. Take a break from social media and get back to the good ole’ pen and paper, or the empty studio, and create without the influence of comparison.

Attend a class or conference related to your field.

Most creative industries are consistently changing. Stay “in the know” with your industry by taking a class. Also, this is a GREAT way to meet new people in your field.

Talk it out.

Sometimes all we need is someone to talk it through with us. Explain your low to a “safe” person and ask them what kind of content they see you creating. From there, take time alone and create away!

Give yourself grace.

It is easy to be hard on ourselves when we are in a creative low. Remind yourself that this is normal. Read your old content and look at how far you have come.

Ultimately, we all need to have our creativity fueled in different ways. Whether you need to talk it through, listen to the world around you, or create a mind map, inspiration is still out there! Keep on creating, my friend!

