100+ Digital Product Ideas You Can Sell Online

Earn some extra money from home with no startup costs

Angela von Wartburg
The Startup


Photo by Kerde Severin on Unsplash

If you are looking to make some extra income from home, selling digital products is my favorite way to do so. The year 2020 taught us that we should take nothing for granted and a single source of income could run dry very quickly. Lots of people lost their jobs or were unable to work due to lockdowns. Building multiple sources of income, especially some mostly passive ones, is never a bad idea.

I was fortunate to not lose my job and could continue to work, but building passive income streams is fun for me. I’ve been selling a variety of digital products for more than two years now. My Etsy shop selling printables made more than 3000 sales to date, so I know earning money online is totally doable.

Don’t get me wrong though, none of the following digital product ideas will get you rich quickly. You will have to build up your assets over time, maybe years. You will also need to learn some new skills on the way.

So if you’re still reading, you are probably interested in selling digital products. But what kind of digital product could you create and sell? Where do you even start? Don’t worry, I’m here to help: I’ve put together an extensive list of digital products ideas. I’m sure there’s something in…



Angela von Wartburg
The Startup

Game Dev in my day job, side hustling in my free time. Writing about Etsy, POD and making money online as an introvert. Diagnosed with shiny object syndrome.