11 Companies Making $1M+ That Are [Practically] Bedroom Businesses

Time to feed the ideation part of your brain some real treats.

Martina D.
The Startup


How many of these businesses have you used or know? /Photo: James Owen

I’ve been running my one-person publishing business for nearly 3 years, and I wish I could say the road was rocky. That would be amazing.

Instead it’s a mountain trail at altitude, icy, full of potholes, sometimes there are disguised mammoth traps and sometimes you can’t see where you’re going at all.

Yet you wake up every morning, and give it another go. Often, progress is non-existent or slow, other times you skyrocket and get blinded by success and make a mistake that ruins it.

But you get up again. You work again, feel grateful for the middle of the road. Then get up again. And again. And again.

You’re forced to build and find unbreakable sources of motivation, both within yourself and externally.

For me, I get tons of motivation from people whose bedroom businesses have built them a life. You know, the small guys and gals punching well above their weight from the very start.

Saturday Solopreneur

This is no surprise — I feel like everyone must know Justin Welsh. His newsletter business has become famous for proving that a well-run…



Martina D.
The Startup

I write & publish books for print + audio. Get ready-made research into profitable Amz niches with full evidence breakdown-> https://buildmomentum.substack.com