13 mind-blowing statistics on user experience
1) Infinite scrolling can decline your bounce rate. Time.com’s bounce rate down 15 percentage points since adopting continuous scroll
2) In 10 years, a $10,000 investment in design centric companies would have yielded returns 228% greater than the same investment in the S&P.
3) ESPN.com revenues jumped 35% after truly listening to their community and incorporating suggestions into their homepage redesign
4) Choosing a specific blue over some other hues amounted to an additional $80 million in annual revenue for Bing
5) For every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return is $44.25
6) 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience
7) Slow-loading websites cost retailers £1.73bn in lost sales each year
8) Judgments on web site credibility are 75% based on a website’s overall aesthetics
9) First impressions are 94% design-related
10) 85% of adults think that a company’s mobile website should be as good or better than their desktop website
11) 70% (of the 200 small business websites evaluated) don’t display clear calls-to-action for anything on their home pages, such as specials, e-mail newsletters, how-to guides, demos, and interactive tools
12) 90% of people use multiple screens sequentially
13) You are 64 times more likely to climb Mount Everest than clicking on a banner ad
Note: This article was originally written for Cameron & Wilding
Published in Startups, Wanderlust, and Life Hacking