13 Procrastination Tips to Make Progress on Your Tasks (Easy to Apply)

If you’re opening this article, you don’t know what else to do. Will you ever find the secret, or will you keep putting things off forever?

Dan Silvestre
The Startup


How to stop procrastinating? You’ve tried every single technique found on Google and still nothing. But there IS a way and the following procrastination tips will show you just that.

I bet if you opened this article you don’t know what else to do. Will you ever find the secret, or will you keep putting things off forever?

I don’t know a single person who has overcome this problem completely. And still, I’m confident you already know what to do and how to stop procrastination.

But ironically, you procrastinate on that as well.

Today you’ll learn how to stop this vicious cycle.

Note: Don’t discard the techniques you’ve already heard about because you “already know them.” If you can’t use them consistently, you didn’t really learn it.

If you’re in a rut, you’ll find this invaluable.

It’s time to stop thinking of work and get it done. These methods will prove to you that it’s easier than you thought.



Dan Silvestre
The Startup

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Join 20k+ readers: newsletter.dansilvestre.com