15 Reasons You’ll Love Programming

Michael Macaulay
The Startup
Published in
12 min readSep 18, 2020


#11 You’ll have a better relationship with reality

Thank you, Pexels!

Programming exploded in popularity these last few years. A lot of that hype is from the prospect of landing a high paying job. But there are so many other benefits of programming. It can empower you to change the world and even rewire your brain.

Balance between theory & practice

Knowledge is power… so they say. But is it? You can be extremely knowledgeable about many different subjects and still be a complete failure. Just take a look at most college graduates these days. Knowledge is only useful if you can put it into practice. There needs to be a “rubber meets the road” moment.

We collectively waste thousands of hours memorizing information that has no practical application. As a history buff, I can be honest about the fact that most of what I learned doesn’t actually help me. Some history is great, for sure. I think viewing the world through the eyes of other people at different times makes you more well-rounded. But after a while, there’s a diminishing return on investment. I may as well have spent my time memorizing jeopardy questions.

But that’s why programming is different. Everything is abstract. But at the same time, it is practical. You can use these abstract theories to create a machine learning…

