15 Visual Studio Code Shortcuts You Should Know

Brandon Burrus
The Startup
Published in
4 min readJun 18, 2019


Photo by Troy Chen on Unsplash

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Mastering your keyboard can save you hours upon hours of time every week. Whether you’re working on that important project or trying to meet a deadline, knowing your shortcuts can be a massive difference maker. For Visual Studio Code, these are the essential shortcuts that everyone should know.

1. Open Command Palette

Shift + Cmd + P : The command palette will quickly become your best friend as you learn various shortcuts. If you ever forget a shortcut, simply open the command palette, and search for what you’re trying to do.

2. Find in current File

Cmd + F : Instantly find whatever you’re looking for in the current file you’re in. Pressing Alt at the same time will open the Find & Replace, and pressing Enter will move your cursor to the next occurrence of the current search.

3. Toggle Sidebar

Cmd + B : Straightford, quickly show and hide the sidebar.

4. Toggle Panel

Cmd + J : Quick show and hide the bottom panel, this includes the Terminal, Output, Problems, and Debug Console.

