18 Podcasts Every Entrepreneur Should Listen To

Valeriy Bykanov
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJan 17, 2019


Photo by Jonathan Velasquez on Unsplash

Podcasts are now much like a cup of coffee: they don’t distract you from the business activity but offer a nice value for a very small commitment. It’s a useful habit during a busy day — you can tune in while multitasking or when going outside to have lunch. For many successful people, it’s now a daily feed that stimulates their brain activity and pushes them forward after the routine drains the mojo away.

Whether it’s the dead-end for your project or just a lazy morning, this list of savvy podcasters can give you a dose of inspiration and let you learn something new about various business skills.

1) Eventual Millionaire

The name speaks for itself, and although these claims can turn away potential listeners, don’t judge too soon. Jaime Masters has held over 350 interviews with millionaires and billionaires to share their stories with listeners who pursue the same goal of reaching these moguls’ rank. Their insights shed light on how to avoid obstacles on a bumpy entrepreneur road and help you pinpoint crucial decisions that have led to such success.

2) StartUp

StartUp tells you what it means to kick-off your business. The series is based on real stories of how people struggled to get their companies going and all other aspects of an…



Valeriy Bykanov
The Startup

Connecting top tech businesses with the top engineers. Founder of @X1Group, former CTO of several tech startups.