Do You Have a Coronavirus Response Plan Yet?

18 Sensible (Financial) Coronavirus Response Ideas for Your Small Business

Triage your business and personal spending, then position your business for what’s next…

Opher Ganel
The Startup
Published in
8 min readMar 14, 2020


If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past several weeks, you’ve been bombarded with stories about COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus.

We’re all watching with concern, if not fear, a rapidly escalating health crisis with an expanding geographic footprint and ever-increasing numbers of people testing positive for the virus, people becoming severely ill, and people dying.

If you’re not concerned yet, read this.

My wife Risa and I were talking about what she should do around her therapy practice as a result — should she close the office and do teletherapy only? Should she keep the office open and put bottles of hand sanitizer everywhere (if she can even find any after the panic-buying of the past few weeks)?

I then wrote a whole article about sensible responses for a therapy practice. Just one problem — I’m not an epidemiologist, and you can find online the same things I find there so what’s the point of my writing about it?



Opher Ganel
The Startup

Consultant | systems engineer | physicist | writer | avid reader | amateur photographer. I write about personal finance from an often contrarian point of view.