19 Apps That Are Guaranteed to Improve Your Productivity

Procrastinating doesn’t mean you’re lazy; it means you’re overwhelmed. These apps can help.

Jack Shepherd
The Startup


Photo: Jack Shepherd/Pexels

Procrastination is a universal struggle and it’s important to remind yourself when you fall prey to it that a) you’re not alone, and b) you’re not lazy. On the contrary, most procrastinators will tell you that they’d much rather be working but feel like they can’t. This is usually because they’re paralyzed by the complexity or the sheer number of tasks on their to-do list; not knowing where to start; or simply feeling like the day is spiraling out of control due to trouble waking up or a derailed morning routine. To make matters worse, developing good, productive work habits can be as laboriously difficult as developing unhealthy time-wasting routines like mindlessly scrolling through social media.

Fortunately, there are a number of incredibly useful tools that can help you head a lot of the problems that lead to procrastination off at the pass. Here are a number of fantastic, easy-to-use apps that incentivize good work and sleep habits; help you to stay on task by avoiding procrastination traps; maximize your focus by completing one task at a time; and create new workflows that will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

Streaks (Mac, iOS)



Jack Shepherd
The Startup

I have a newsletter about crossword puzzles and a podcast about rom-coms. Formerly editorial director @BuzzFeed. Email: JackAShepherd at gmail