20 ways you can kill your Startup

Derick David
The Startup
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2017


So recently i wrote a story about 15 ways how to grow your startup, that is good right? Isn’t it better if i also show you the ways you can kill your startup?

The main purpose of this story is to enlighten the readers about risks and mistakes you could commit in your startup, so then you can all learn from it.

People don’t want freedom, they want security.

So these are 20 ways you can kill your startup, sit back and relax.

  1. Single founder
  2. Bad location
  3. Marginal niche
  4. Hiring bad programmers
  5. Derivative ideas
  6. Obstinacy
  7. Wrong platform
  8. Slow launch
  9. Launching too early
  10. No specific target
  11. Raising too little money
  12. Poor investor management
  13. Spending too much
  14. Being obsessed by profits
  15. Weak effort
  16. Too much money too quickly



Derick David
The Startup

1M+ views. Seen at Forbes. 10x Top Writer in Technology, Innovation, and Design. https://twitter.com/jeazous