The biggest Tech Trends of 2019: what’s happening in big tech, startups, social media and gaming

Mark Ridley
The Startup
Published in
18 min readMay 29, 2019


Each year, I pull together the biggest tech trends and events for the last year. Originally, this was a tribute to the amazing team that I worked with at Reed for their hard work over the year. Now, it’s tending towards an obsession. Part Mary Meeker, part Black Mirror and a sprinkle of Rude Tube, This summary spares you the the complete version of 200 slides, and 90 minutes worth of me talking...

The Global Economy

I’m no economist, but I do like to start my descent into the world of tech from orbit. The backdrop set by the global economy can help bring the movements of the tech giants and savvy investors into sharp relief.

It’s been a long time since the financial crisis of 2007 and there’s no denying we’re a long way into a bull market. Since the grass roots of 2009-10, economic indicators in the US, EU and the UK have all been growing in strength. This has been great for investors and good news for startups, but some signs start to indicate we’re in for a change of weather.

Ask a good economist and they might tell you these are the important things to look for



Mark Ridley
The Startup

Technologist, lean evangelist, chaos monkey and Chief Technology Prevention Officer. Loves good coffee, hanging around on ropes and driving about in cars