Phil Eich — Full Steam Social Media
The Startup
Published in
2 min readDec 26, 2017


2018 won’t change anything.

Tuesdays don’t make us motivated. Waking up at 4am doesn’t improve our ability to do good work. January starting with a “J” and ending with a “y” doesn’t make it statistically the best month to create positive change.

Whenever we describe something with words that it isn’t in an effort to give it power that it doesn’t have, we start digging the hole of self-deception.

“This will be my year…” and the hole gets deeper.
“By the end of the year, I will…” and the hole gets deeper.

Spoiler ahead…

2018 will be just like 2017.

Busy. Too busy. Not busy enough. Overworked. Stressed out. Behind schedule. Stalled. Distracted. Wrong. Indecisive. Lazy. Dissatisfied.

Summed up, we will be challenged. This year will be difficult and the magical fairy dust we throw by calling something a “New Year’s Resolution” doesn’t exist.

Knowing this, we need to decide whether we go into the next year like a professional, ready to be challenged and make things work despite those challenges, or we can keep digging a hole.

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