21 (Grey) actionable Growth Hacks

Abdul Hafez
The Startup
Published in
7 min readJan 8, 2018

Hey, I won’t bore you with a long Intro, I’ve written down 21 actionable growth hacks that work for customer acquisition, particularly for startups that have a (Saas/Commerce) Model.

Out of many experiments I’ve run this year, below are hacks that I’ve attempted in (2017) and have given me a good ROI.

Let’s get into it:

Growth Hacking Tip #1: Hide retargeting cookies for 45 seconds

Stop retargeting people who bounced immediately from your site. Use a little bit of javascript to hide retargeting cookies for 45 seconds to ensure you’re only retargeting users who are interested in your content.

Growth Hacking Tip #2: Use Proactive Live Chats

If you’re using Intercom, Zendesk, or even LiveChat then you should honestly be using proactive chats. Pop a message over to people visiting any page on your site will get them to engage, after one week of implementing proactive live chat we saw a 5% increase in sign-ups.

Growth Hacking Tip #3: Collect more Email leads

Consider adding hello bar to your website, it’s a subtle way to follow website visitors around encouraging them putting in their email address, allowing you to grow that lovely mailing list.

Growth Hacking Tip #4: Gain more followers on twitter

Tweetfavy is a great cheap tool to growth hack your twitter following by literally paying $19 a month and watch your Twitter following grow.

Growth Hacking Tip #5: Add Site into a Great Directory

Many directories are so saturated, try adding your start-up into launching next they get 50,000 visits per month and have 30% bounce rate, data is from similar web.

Growth Hacking Tip #6: Outsource Content Marketing Efforts

Wanting to start a blog for your start-up but don’t have time as you’re carrying many hats for your company, outsourcing content marketing is easier than ever today. For $100 a month you can use blogmutt or probloggerbest in the market when it comes to having outsourcing blog post writing.

Growth Hacking Tip #7: Translate words into Blogs in minutes

Strapped for time on writing a blog, use rev to translate your words into a script in a matter of minutes. Instead of taking you hours to write a blog post now it can take you minutes.

Growth Hacking Tip #8: Use exit-intent popups to build a mailing list

Exit popups are an easy and affordable way to capitalize on your pre-existing website traffic. By using exit-intent popups add-ons, like Sumo or conversation lab in your browser it will identify when a user is trying to leave from your page and automatically display a last-minute offer.

Growth Hacking Tip #9: Use Quora ads bet you didn’t know they offer ads?

Quora started experimenting with ads last year, but still today you don’t hear or read much about Quora ads around. CPC is still very low and as not many people are using it yet. They provide conversation tracking for campaigns you run.

Growth Hacking Tip #10: Use Pocket ads

Not sure if you’re using pocket yet, you really should it’s a great tool to save/bookmark articles to read for a later time. They offer sponsored content meaning your content marketing efforts can be advertised around people that are interested in reading such blogs.

Cost per click is very low as this till a very new service.

Growth Hacking Tip #11: Send an “oops! forgot the link” email

When automating follow up emails, consider incorporating some “human errors” into your email sequences. One trick is to send one email that’s missing either a link or a file. You then automate a follow-up email 1–5 minutes later sending the missing piece of the first email.

While open rates will likely remain the same, conversions for the second email tend to skyrocket.

Growth Hacking Tip #12: Responding to questions on Quora, Reddit, LinkedIn

Self-branding is where it’s at in 2017, branding branding & more branding, make sure people recognize you in your space, so go ahead and answer questions on Quora that are related to your niche.

Engage in communities on Reddit, as well as join LinkedIn groups and engage with communities on there.

Growth Hacking Tip #13: The use of Emojis in subject lines increases your open rates through the roofs

Nothing really to be explained here, put emojis in the subject line of your emails and watch open rates increase.

Growth Hacking Tip #14: Use ghostry to learn about your competitors

Keen on learning what tools your competition is using? You want to spy on them, don’t you? learn what they have and one up them. Cool install Ghostry a chrome extension that reads any websites analytics tools or social media add-ons etc they have working in the backend.

Growth Hacking Tip #15: Use push notifications/chrome notification

Email or web push notifications? Listen don’t get me wrong email isn’t dead at all, so don’t shot the messenger but you’ll be surprised how much increase in open rates you’ll get sent a message via push notification over an email to your customers/warm leads.

This article explains the benefit of going with push notification, try push crew if you’re keen on trying this experiment, as in they are the market leaders in the game.

Growth Hacks Tip #16: Run a Capterra PPC Campaign

Yes, capterra has a PPC offer, and trust me guys it fucking works miracles, most leads that are on capterra are already keen on your software they are just trying to find the best in the market. So beat your competitors to it and be ahead of competitors by paying to as little as $2 per click & they offer conversion tracking.

Growth Hacks Tip #17: Pay for Upvotes on Reddit & Quora

After you answer questions on Quora or post on Reddit. You can pay people on Fiverr to upvote/like your comments in these forums and the more upvotes/likes you get the more credible people see you as a thought leader.

From there people are more likely follow a CTA you have in your comment could be for the lead generation, email sign ups etc.

Growth Hacks Tip #18: Add an image to your Google+ profile for increased open rates

While you’re sending emails from a real person, you might as well add an image that will appear in the thumbnail of people’s inboxes as well. This will help reinforce that you are in fact a real person and can help boost open rates on your email mail outs.

Growth Hacks Tip #19: Repurpose blogs into video

Use BuzzSumo or ahref to find content around your niche that has performed well in terms of social shares and getting backlinks. Repurpose that content in form of videos and post that on facebook or youtube and boost that post and watch traffic increase to your website.

Growth Hacks Tip #20: Use Gmail ads to bid on your competitor’s keywords

Use Gmail ads to target by keyword in a user’s inbox. This hack allows you to find people who are likely receiving newsletters and other promotional materials from your competitors, and target them with a similar product.

Growth Hacking Tip #21: Use free stock image sites to spruce up your blog / social media posts

Blog and social media posts with photos have been proven to get higher levels of engagement. Take advantage of free stock photography from sites like pexels and unsplash for any photo’s you need.

Try these hacks out and tell me what you think? Please leave a comment of hacks you’ve tried for customer acquisition that worked well for you.


PS: If you liked this, give me at least a dozen claps for good luck ;)

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