How to fix 3 common startup paradigms that lead to failure

On achieving the great results with forward thinking values.

Mikhail Simin
The Startup


Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

Employees within companies or teams can usually agree on the goal. This part is important to remember because the next step is harder — agree on the approach. What’s important to remember is that no approach is perfect, no approach will satisfy everyone, but also that no approach is 100% wrong.

Being ambitious in your career or company is a good thing, but ambition also means that you are trying to get more done than you have done in the past. This means that something has to change, and disagreements on what can bring friction to progress and turmoil to culture. In my experience either change brings extra work or extra work brings change. That’s the difference between reacting and investing in the future. For teams and companies that have sticked to tried-n-true methods but can’t seem to get ahead of the curve in the development lifecycle here’s my advice on investing in your own future by choosing different values.

Convert “Commit to deadlines” to “Increase developer speed”

It’s natural that we think in terms of deadlines. Almost everything around us is in deadlines — from childhood’s homework to paying bills to watching…

