Personal tips to improve software testing

3 Easy Steps Towards Test-Driven Development (TDD)

Test-driven development is a sexy practice that consists of writing the tests before the business logic, with the guarantee of delivering tested code. But its strict adoption is far from trivial, so this article intends to propose a few preliminary actions to attain the ultimate goal.

Micaël Paquier
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJan 9, 2020


Reaching the summit may require basecamps - Photo by Jef Willemyns on Unsplash

Although I am deeply convinced that developing automated tests is as important as the tested code itself, I have to admit that starting by writing the tests is not always easy to do in practice for many reasons: it requires you to already have an idea of the structure of the code you are going to deliver. In addition to this, and because it is the desired result, the tests fail until the code is perfectly written, which may not sound very intuitive, especially for young developers.

I believe that TDD demands an important mindset change, plus good technical skills, and this is why I see it as the final stage of a suite of actions that eventually enable it.

As I am not an expert in TDD, I rely on a few concrete actions that have helped me to start…



Micaël Paquier
The Startup

IT architect. Continuous Delivery enthusiast. Human-oriented. Happy to learn from others and to share experience.