3 Ideas I’ve Used to Steal Sales From Trendy Rival Books on Amazon KDP

High competition is serving you ultra-high traffic on a silver platter — grab it

Martina D.
The Startup


Your effort deserves the reward. /Photo: Look Studio

High competition niches: Most people are petrified of them.

And to a large extent, they should be.

Winning sales there is hard work. You need experience, be ready to experiment. I don’t normally recommend choosing them.

But… there’s a big but.

Not all high competition is built the same. Learn how to read between the lines, and you can grab a much larger, thicker, and creamier slice of the revenue pie than expected.

Because, unlike the real sea, the virtual sea still has plenty of fish left swimming in it.

And your super trendy competition is serving you their payment cards, out and ready to tap, on a silver platter.

All you need to know is how to strike and steal the sales.

Communicate your USP in under 2 seconds

As I’ve explained in my 7 Step Guide To Publishing Books in 2024, having a standout USP from your rival books is crucial to your books’ success.



Martina D.
The Startup

I write & publish books for print + audio. Get ready-made research into profitable Amz niches with full evidence breakdown-> https://buildmomentum.substack.com