3 Important Lessons Every Creator Can Take From Netflix’s ‘Bridgerton’

The “secret sauce” of innovation is finding your content tilt

Bertilla Niveda
The Startup


Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash

When I first watched Season One of Bridgerton, I was amused and perplexed. Amused because of the witty banter and the enchanting Pride and Prejudice vibes the series gave off.

Mildly perplexed because I didn’t understand what the heck was going on.

After watching Season Two, which was sensational, I realized that there are lessons here that every creator needs to remember today.

Here’s a deep dive into what made this series a global success and why it matters so much for us.

Bridgerton didn’t try to be historically accurate — it ended up being a breath of fresh air

We have a Regency drama set in the early 1800s.

It’s all about this British high society with lavish balls, glittering outfits, royal mansions, and the finest of things. And in this posh social circle from the early 1800s(I stress this again because the time period matters for context), we have a mixed-race Queen and plenty of people of color.

As a fantasy, I love it. But in reality, we all know how this was highly unlikely.



Bertilla Niveda
The Startup

Artist, engineer, and writer with a lot to say. You can connect with me at bertillaniveda@gmail.com | Learn more→ https://bit.ly/3Ba489Q