3 keys to finding meaning in your work (and in your life)

Toby Hazlewood
The Startup
Published in
8 min readJan 10, 2019


Meaningful work? (Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash)

The stepping-stones to happiness and fulfilment?

In an ideal world, everything that we do in life would bring forth the magic in our minds. As kids, we dream about what we’d like to be when we grow up. Few end up following those childhood fantasies, and I for one am glad of that fact; I’d have made a terrible stuntman, and wouldn’t have fared much better as a dentist (such were my intended vocations as a child).

What seems to happen at some point between childhood and adulthood is that many become diverted, and few end up loving what they do in daily working life.

I know that at times this has been the case for me. It’s also that way for many of my nearest and dearest.

Somewhere between school and college I had convinced myself that I could spend my working life doing anything, provided I could make enough money. My goal was essentially to be “rich”. Not too many years into my working life, I realised that this wouldn’t cut it.

There is more to the achievement of happiness and fulfilment than the numbers on your bank balance.

One challenge I’ve consistently wrestled with throughout my working life (and life more generally) has been in trying to figure out what does make for a happy and…



Toby Hazlewood
The Startup

A writer, dad and husband sharing his thoughts, wins and losses to help and inspire others. https://tobyhazlewood.substack.com/