3 powerful ways crypto is completely going to transform our lives

You won’t believe it till you transact it

Lucien Lecarme
The Startup


Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

Its time to cut the crap. Humanity is on its way to decentralization. The choice is yours to become antiquity in the museum of fiat corruption, or a fast crypto Lamborghini fueled by blockchain on its way to peer to peer financial empowerment.

Lets no longer deny the future of money. It will be digital, it will be apps, it will be borderless and neutral. And it will be humanities biggest escape from the capitalist abyss of pyramidal driven greed destruction. Nakamoto will be proven to be the 21 century Houdini showing the escape route from the financial chains of banks and middlemen slavery. He introduced the technological way that will eventually free most of humanity from the parasitical power of cartels. And if you don’t grasp it yet fully, its OK.

Buckle up for these 3 biggest transformational changes crypto, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will bring us on the long run.

1. Removing the single point of failure

It is difficult to explain these changes fully with 1st paradigm terminology, lets say the world we live in right now. We need to take a peek beyond the horizon of full decentralization, imagine how this world looks like and take…



Lucien Lecarme
The Startup

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