Will ChatGPT remain free? Can it replace software engineers? What does it mean for future business opportunities and job market?

Eva G.
The Startup
Published in
7 min readDec 12, 2022


Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

And here are my research and answers to the 3 questions puzzled me about OpenAI’s ChatGPT.


  • Will ChatGPT remain free forever? How much does it cost, and how might OpenAI make money with ChatGPT?
  • Is ChatGPT good enough to replace software engineers’ jobs yet?
  • What do such user friendly AI models mean for future business opportunities, and for the future job market?

✅ And of course, how will ChatGPT answer those questions? Scroll to the end to see the chatbot responses.

Will ChatGPT remain free forever?

In a reply to the question, Sam Altman stated:

We will have to monetize it somehow at some point; the compute costs are eye watering — Sam Altman (source)

Will ChatGPT remain completely free with current capabilities (e.g. no ads, no query limits on the UI, etc.)? The very likely answer is No, simply because the maintenance cost is too high for OpenAI, which…



Eva G.
The Startup

Data Science professional in the SF Bay Area. Avid reader and writer of technology, business, and life learning.