3 Quick, Counterintuitive Strategies to Go Viral on Any Platform

Zulie Rane
The Startup
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2022


Black woman in grey knit jumper is pushing her hair back with both hands in amazement, looking shocked or surprised.
Photo by Liza Summer: https://www.pexels.com/photo/emotional-black-woman-yelling-and-touching-head-6382714/

Many writers use the wrong strategy when trying to go viral. A pattern I often see goes like this:

  • A content creator makes a piece of content, like, say “How to Make Money Online.” Maybe it’s a Twitter thread, maybe it’s a YouTube video, maybe it’s an article. For the sake of this article, let’s say it’s a Twitter thread.
  • The thread goes viral. Importantly, the original author has the context to make it good. They have made lots of money online, and they know replicable strategies to help others do the same.
  • Other Twitter users see the thread and think, “Huh, obviously money-making is popular! I’ll do the same.”
  • They write their own version of the Twitter thread, hoping it will perform just as well as the original.
  • Their copy/creation flops. This is usually because, unlike OP, they don’t have the contetx/knowledge/life experience to make it a truly great thread, add anything to the conversation, or provide outstanding value to the reader.
  • The copycat believe that going viral is purely based on luck or timing. And they just got unlucky!

This creates a vicious cycle with no winners because everyone is copying the same thing. And worst of all, readers feel like they’re getting spammed…



Zulie Rane
The Startup

Writer and cat mom. Opinions are my own. This is my just-for-fun profile! My official Medium profile is @Zulie_at_Medium.