3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Apps to Improve Your Writing

A contrarian view

Mitchell G.
The Startup


Photo by Dimitri Houtteman on Unsplash

We live in the age of apps. Not sure about grammar? Buy this app! Want to produce sick computer-generated beats? There’s an app for that! Don’t know how to properly use hashtags? This app has you covered! On and on…

But — besides draining your bank account, has anyone stopped to ask what the real cost of being app reliant is?..

Everything comes with a price

There’s a long-standing theory among scholars that when a new innovation is created, another loses its intrinsic value — the pinnacle example being the advent of writing. Before the written word, humans would sit round a fire, underneath the stars, telling stories through speech. Presumably, the epic poems Iliad and Odyssey originally sailed through countless generations verbally. However, once the invention of writing occurred, the spoken tradition would never again attain the level of perfection it had once enjoyed because it was no longer the only way to pass along information.

In a more recent example, take the invention of online streaming. As a result, the video…



Mitchell G.
The Startup

Interested in: history, philosophy, psychology, evolution, and zen-buddhism. https://twitter.com/G_Mitchell23