3 Side Hustles That Are a Total Waste of Time

These side hustles wasted my time and thousands of dollars.

Lauren Como
The Startup


Photo Credit: Joanna Nix-Walkup, Unsplash

After surviving 2020, I’d argue that everyone needs a side hustle. As we learned, having one source of income — particularly coming from an employer — is incredibly high-risk.

Not all side hustles are created equally, and most articles on the topic suggest either very basic ideas (driving for Uber, delivering food, etc.) that can’t be scaled into a profitable business, or they sell you a pipe dream — you know, “Quit your job in 90 days by starting a Shopify store. My course will teach you everything you need to know, for just one small payment of $999.”

I’ve tried a few different side hustles, including starting an online business that ended up in the toilet and cost me thousands of dollars.

A side hustle should be fun, scalable, and profitable; I’ve tried all of the below methods for creating additional income, and none of them worked for me. I ended up wasting a ton of time and money, but at least I learned what doesn’t work.

Creating the wrong content on the wrong platform

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