3 Signs You’ll Be Successful While Pursuing Your Passion

These signs are for you whether you're a solopreneur, freelancer, or writer.

Anangsha Alammyan
The Startup
Published in
5 min readOct 18, 2022


Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash

Pursuing your passion can be a lonely, tiresome journey.

Irrespective of how glamorous it sounds on the outside, people who are their own bosses know how much struggle is involved in making a business out of your passion.

I’ve been on the solopreneruial route since late 2021, after I quit my civil engineering job to be a full-time writer. The past year has taught me so much about myself and my business that I doubt a single article could encompass all the lessons.

Nevertheless, in this article, I’ve compiled three subtle signs you’ll be successful while pursuing your passion. Read on, and if they apply to you, pat yourself on the back, for you deserve it. If not, consider these tips as mindset shifts you need to apply to have a successful solopreneurial journey.

1. You’ve mastered your self-talk to design your success

On the verge of a new product launch, I found myself filled with anxiety. My brain went into overdrive, thinking, “Will this work out?”

In an instant, I realized that doubting myself would lead me nowhere.

