3 Signs You’re Spiritually Bypassing on Social Media

The ego is good at co-opting Insta and hijacking your tweets.

Patrick Paul Garlinger
The Startup
Published in
4 min readOct 2, 2019


Walking a spiritual path — however you define that — is often difficult. The journey to healing your childhood trauma, releasing your ego’s limiting beliefs, and connecting with your authentic self or a higher power is fraught with pitfalls. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can be wonderful vehicles to connect with other spiritual seekers, share your journey, and gain spiritual wisdom. But they can also be a minefield of emotional triggers and distractions that lure us away from our path and into spiritual bypass—that is, using spirituality to avoid emotional pain and protect the ego.

Below are 3 of the most common forms of spiritual bypass to watch for so you don’t end up using social media to sabotage your spiritual growth.

1. You Always Turn to Social Media for “Spiritual Inspiration”

One of our deepest tendencies, as human beings, is to avoid pain and pursue pleasure. We prefer to distract and numb ourselves than deal with discomfort. A spiritual path is meant to teach you to face your pain so that you can heal.

It’s very easy to turn to social media like Facebook and Instagram and scroll away your pain…



Patrick Paul Garlinger
The Startup

Author of Endless Awakening: Time, Paradox, and the Path to Enlightenment and other books. Former prof & lawyer, now mystic, writer, intuitive.