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3 Startup Mistakes Tech Entrepreneurs Should Avoid

Here is what I learned on what not to do in early-stage startups, after 12 startups and a top-notch master’s degree in entrepreneurship

Ulas Can Erguney
The Startup
Published in
5 min readOct 24, 2019


“Startups don’t fail because they lack a product; they fail because they lack customers and a profitable business model.” — Steve Blank, author of the four steps to the epiphany

No matter how good of a software development team you have, customers never pay for a piece of code you wrote, they only pay for solutions to their problems.

In March 2016, I was devastated when the website that we developed for 5 months, ended up getting only 3 customers after launch. The idea was to create a database and a search engine for sports facilities in Istanbul so that if someone wants a gym with a sauna or a park to run in, they could find on the website, with a very flexible search engine.

After the failure, my colleagues thought the idea was solid, but we should have developed a mobile application instead. However, the idea was far from solid, due to the following reasons:

  • Nobody had actually told us that they were having problems…



Ulas Can Erguney
The Startup

Tech Entrepreneur - UCL MSc Entrepreneurship alumnus.