3 Steps to Workplace Efficiency

Stewart Stanbra
The Startup
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2018
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Much has been said and written on workplace efficiency and productivity. That is for a good reason, as is such a critical factor for high performers and ambitious companies.

It is so easy to get distracted by ‘the noise’. We have endless streams of information and advice coming at us across all kinds of platforms. We live in a world full of opportunities, strategies and things we could do.

But we must remember what is most important in our work tasks. What should we actually do to achieve our objectives.

Here are 3 steps that can apply to most disciplines to be more productive.

1) What are your Key Performance Indicators?

It is amazing how many of us lose sight of this.
- What are you trying to achieve?
- What are the factors I am being judged upon? (or Judging myself upon)

Often your KPI’s are set by your company leaders, therefore they are quite clear and obvious. (Sales Targets, Financial Targets etc.)

If you are your own boss or a freelancer you must nail down the key factors to make progress in your mission.

It is important to get these things clear so that you can take actions each day towards them. These are your top priority, other items may have value, but the KPI’s are what must be focused upon.

2) Prioritize

Most high performers are inundated with opportunities and tasks. Therefore, it is critical, at the start of each day/week to structure to your work via a to-do list and/or schedule.

Put your KPI’s first and become proactive
. Stop just reacting to incoming tasks that dictate your work day.

- If your fundamental KPI is a sales target then this should be the item that you put first. Start your day and week doing proactive work on this and blast it hard. All other items can wait.

Make your structure a habit. Do the proactive work early in the week and deal with the fall out/lower importance items later in the week.

3) Laser Focused — When you are working on tasks, especially KPI tasks, remove all distractions and give it your full attention.

Human beings are not computers and contrary to popular belief they cannot multi-task, we can do one task at a time. Some people are good at switching between tasks, but regardless it is not an effective way to work.

When doing a significant task, be ‘all in’ and fully focused:

- Close other windows on the computer
- Turn off notifications
- No Social Media
- No email
- Isolate yourself from colleagues (Headphones, move to another location)

You will be amazed by your progress if you give something your 100% attention. Our attention spans are very fragile and limited if we stay exposed to all the distractions around us.


Get focused and do the work! It takes much less time that you think if you are fully focused.

Stop being ‘busy’ and taking on all little tasks, get focused and organized.

- Determine your KPI’s.
- Prioritize the key tasks.
- Remove distractions and focus.

“The main thing, is to keep the main things, the main thing.” — Stephen Covey, Author of 7 habits of Highly Effective people.

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Stewart Stanbra
The Startup

(Oslo, Norway) — Entrepreneur, Investor, Founder & Director @ CSUSA & Pursue Group: www.csusa.co.uk / www.pursue.no