3 Strategy Modes That Make Your Organization Antifragile

Ensure that vigilance and agility are part of organizational DNA

Matthew Doan
The Startup


Photo by kevis mulchan on Reshot

Most organizations are poorly equipped to weather a major crisis, let alone re-imagine their strategy mid-flight.

Those organizations fortunate enough to make it through COVID-19 (or even smaller-scale events in the future) will have found creative new ways of working that are remote, secure, and cost-optimized. Making it through and being successful on the other side of the crisis requires pivots to strategy. There are three modes to this:

  1. Crisis Mode: laser-focused “crunch” period of keeping the lights on and positioning just enough for long-term, post-crisis success.
  2. Transitional Mode: the reflective and interim passage out of crisis to a better, more resilient state.
  3. Emergent Mode: today’s new steady-state — taking lessons learned from the crisis and also evolving strategy as additional circumstances require.
3 Strategy Modes — During & After Crisis

In #1, this is about battening down the hatches and getting hyperfocused on escaping the crisis in a satisfactory state. Then you can get…



Matthew Doan
The Startup

Design your 9–5 experience to reclaim time, improve your health, and be there for family. Lifestyle & Career Design | Pod: uncageyourself.fm 🎧