3 Subtle Signs You’ve Hired A Great Lawyer

Common habits of outstanding counsel your lawyer should exhibit

Steven Toews, JD, MBA
The Startup


Photo by Renaldo Matamoro on Unsplash

Choosing a lawyer is difficult at the best of times. Their capacities for essential legal techniques — research, cross-examination, litigation strategy, contractual and statutory interpretation, etc. — are virtually impossible to measure. Non-lawyers simply aren’t in a position where you can reasonably be expected to tell a good cross-examiner from a bad one, or a keen legal strategist from a bull in a china shop.

So, if it’s impossible to tell the difference between a technically sound lawyer and an incompetent one by gauging their skills directly, how should you or your business go about choosing one?

Based on my experience practicing criminal law for about seven years, and dealing with countless lawyers, clients, and cases, I’ve identified a handful of behaviors that tend to suggest the presence of quality counsel. And while they’re not perfect at distinguishing the best from the worst, these behaviors are more common amongst good lawyers than less good ones.

In no particular order, here are three of those habits.

Good lawyers nail down your interests



Steven Toews, JD, MBA
The Startup

I help working professionals find fulfillment and increase income by writing online. untetheredlife.info