3 Things I Learned About Money After Graduation

What Happens After Graduation ?

Nicholas Leong
The Startup


Greetings my fellow readers. It’s me yet again.
Instead of the usual data rant, I’m onto something different this time around.
I want to write about some of the things I’ve learnt after graduating.
I remember thinking to myself, I’ve spent 20+ years studying, I maintained my grades, got scholarships. What now ?
I remember asking things like,

  • How do I get a job ?
  • How do I earn enough to support myself ?
  • Is this gonna be the rest of my life?

I thought everything would pan out for me, but it simply did not turn out that way. I was lost. I was desperate. I remember how eager I was after graduating, trying to find a purpose in life.

Instruction ends in the schoolroom, but education ends only with life.
— Federick W. Robertson

Now for a little background,
I was your average kid in class. I moderately care about my grades but don’t try as hard as the top kids do. My confidence level was healthy. I made through high school alright, got my AUSMAT (Pre-U) with amazing results and secured a good scholarship for my degree which saved my parents some money. I then…



Nicholas Leong
The Startup

Data Engineer — Crunching data and writing about it so you don’t get headaches. 1M+ reads on Medium. https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickefy/