3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Using Angular 2+

Zach Gollwitzer
The Startup
Published in
7 min readSep 11, 2020


It’s 2020, and Angular is on version 10 with over 1200 contributors and 18,500 commits. I think it’s safe to say that this project has picked up some momentum over the years.

But when I started using Angular (it was on version 4 when I started), these things didn’t matter to me. Heck, I probably couldn’t have explained what open source software was and definitely couldn’t have explained what Typescript was. To me, Angular was just the popular framework that everybody was using — and that was plenty of a reason to start using it.

As I learned more about software engineering, I tried out frameworks like React and Vue, and there were even a few months where I truly thought that Angular “wasn’t powerful enough for my needs” because it didn’t have an easy state management system like React (talk about ignorance). But time kept passing by, I kept learning more, and with each successive project that I completed using Angular, it became harder and harder to switch away from the framework I had come to know so well. I had officially become an Angular developer.

In the last few years, I’ve built production-ready apps using Angular and have come miles and miles from where I started. That’s probably not saying much…

