3 Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking

Adam Cave
The Startup


The fear of public speaking ranks higher than the fear of dying, and it’s not hard to understand why. Public speaking removes our safety net. It forces us to step out. It opens us up to scrutiny. So, how do we overcome our fear to perform?

Over the past decade I have done hundreds of presentations. From briefing the high ranking, to educating collegiate-level students, I have been constantly pushed outside of my comfort level to perform.

I started with the same anxiety as everyone else, but over time developed an approach that has helped me to prepare and perform at my best. I now use it every time I have to instruct or present material to any sized group. If you’re nervous and looking for a way to improve your public speaking, try these tips. It may help you gain the confidence you need before your next big event.

1. Prepare, prepare, prepare

Nothing will give you more confidence than knowing your material, inside and out.

“The best way to conquer stage fright is to know what you’re talking about.” Michael H. Mescon

When you have something to present, you need to know as much about the topic as possible. Pretend you are in the audience and genuinely curious about the presentation. What would you ask? Would that question beg…



Adam Cave
The Startup

Father & husband. Jack of many, master of some. Obsessed with improving processes and removing the noise.