3 Unconscious Ways Self-Betrayal Blocks You from Inner Peace

How to identify and stop the vicious cycle.

Jordin James
The Startup
Published in
7 min readDec 11, 2019


Photo by Allef Vinicius

Your relationship with yourself is what really makes or breaks the amount of inner peace you feel.

There is nothing that invites peace in more than a stable knowing that you’ve got your own back no matter what happens. And, on the flip side, there is nothing that blocks peace more than self-betrayal.

The most anxious I’ve ever felt was during the times in my life steeped in the most self-betrayal where I was not showing up for myself and playing small for others. It felt like no place was a safe place to rest. Even the ground under my feet felt shaky and I felt like I had to constantly keep moving, doing, and going because if I stood still for too long, the consequences of all my self-betrayal would catch up to me.

I always needed to be around at least one other person because I would spiral into a depression when I was by myself. My life was far from the life of my dreams, yet I made choices every day to continue down the path I was heading instead of making something of myself in a way that was meaningful to me.

This is the weight of self-betrayal. Nothing — nothing — blocks peace more than self-betrayal.



Jordin James
The Startup

Worthiness coach, writer, parts work expert. Replacing loneliness with belonging, one part at a time. Find more: Jordinjames.com // Socials: @justjordinjames