3 Vital Truths You Must Know About Goals If You Want to Achieve Yours

Embrace Them to Watch Your Dream Life Unfold

Kurtis Pykes
The Startup


Image created by author using Midjourney

Most people spend their lives on auto-pilot, aimlessly wandering from task to task.

They’re super busy but feel like they’re not accomplishing much.

There never seems to be enough time to focus on other things they want to do, like working out, dating, and exploring.

Their life feels meaningless because they’ve chosen the path of least resistance.

It’s comfortable but unfulfilling.

If you’ve set goals for yourself, it’s safe to say you’re ahead of a large portion of Earth’s population.

But just because you’ve set them doesn’t mean you’ll achieve them.

There’s still a few things you must know if you want to bring them to fruition.

In this story, I’ll give you three…

#1 There’s always a pathway to your goal

Luck can play a major role in success but cannot be factored into your strategy.

Here’s where a lot of people mess up…

You don’t NEED to be lucky to succeed.



Kurtis Pykes
The Startup

I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for high-ticket B2B service founders. https://www.thesocialceoblueprint.com/