3 Ways Managers Can Drastically Improve the Lives of Their Employees

No other job has such a profound impact on peoples lives

Cameron Warren
The Startup


Management isn’t about the business, it’s about people. The people who work for the manager are the ones who build, market, and sell the product, the manager, manages those people.

So many managers get this mixed up — and it’s not really their fault.

We’re taught from a young age to follow the ‘straight path,’ get ahead, do better than others and ‘climb the ladder’ — the problem with all those adages is that they are completely selfish. Management, especially good management, is inherently a selfless task.

For companies, bad managers, are poison. They create toxic work environments that leave your most precious asset, your people, burned out and anxious, and your organization’s productivity falling through the floor.

For individuals, bad managers infiltrate every aspect of your life. Your anxiety at work quickly manifests at home, becoming an all-consuming fountain of stress, unhappiness, and sadness that affects your entire family.

Source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/stressed-woman-covering-her-face-with-her-hands-4226221/

I’ve personally witnessed dozens of individuals, including myself, suffer immense personal pain because of bad managers. It’s likely many of you have experienced something similar.



Cameron Warren
The Startup

Writing about how teams and individuals can more effectively use data. Follow me: @camwarrenm